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Saúl Ibarra Corretgé, 05/31/2012 11:09 am

SIP-XMPP Presence

XMPP defines 2 ways for exchanging presence information: simple presence and rich presence.

  • Simple presence: The presence stanza is used and it conveys basic information about the user's availability, such as the status, availability note and a timestamp indicating the last time it was seen.
  • Rich presence: IQ stanzas are used and it enhances the simple presence by adding information such as the user avatar, music the user is listening to, etc.

SIP, on the contrary, defines a single framework for presence (SIMPLE) and then multiple extensions have been published which extend the information that can be conveyed in the payload.

The current implementation acts as a gateway just for XMPP simple presence, support for rich presence will be added at a later stage.

The mechanisms described here follow the currently available specifications for SIP-XMPP interoperability:

Model differences


SIP-XMPP translation


XMPP-SIP translation


xmppgw_presence_s2x.png (59.1 kB) Saúl Ibarra Corretgé, 05/31/2012 04:35 pm

xmppgw_presence_x2s.png (52.9 kB) Saúl Ibarra Corretgé, 05/31/2012 05:35 pm