Sip subscribe mwi

Version 5 (Adrian Georgescu, 01/24/2010 03:37 pm)

1 1 Adrian Georgescu
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h2. sip-subscribe-mwi
3 1 Adrian Georgescu
4 1 Adrian Georgescu
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> This script is available in _sipclients_ package that must be installed separately from SIP SIMPLe client SDK package.
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h3. Description
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Usage: sip-subscribe-mwi [options] []
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This script will SUBSCRIBE to the Message Summary event published for the
17 1 Adrian Georgescu
specified SIP target. When a NOTIFY is received with the message summary
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information it will be displayed. The program will un-SUBSCRIBE and quit when
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CTRL+D is pressed.
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22 1 Adrian Georgescu
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
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  -a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account-name=ACCOUNT_NAME
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                        The name of the account to use.
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  -s, --trace-sip       Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing SIP
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                        messages (disabled by default).
27 1 Adrian Georgescu
  -j, --trace-pjsip     Print PJSIP logging output (disabled by default).
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  -n, --trace-notifications
29 1 Adrian Georgescu
                        Print all notifications (disabled by default).
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